About 10x Living
The 10X Living Story
10X Living is the residential extension of Grant Cardone’s 10X movement, infusing elevated lifestyle goals with successful actions that start at home. 35 upscale properties, 23 trendy cities, 5 fast-growing states. High-end, spacious, pet-friendly apartment rentals. State-of-the-art amenities. All expertly curated by Cardone Capital.
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A Message From Grant Cardone
Founder & CEO, Cardone Capital
Success begins when you beat the sun up. When you go out on the balcony, write down your goals, and let the beauty of the landscape sink in. This is the motivation I want you to experience every morning when you wake up in a 10X Living apartment.
If you surround yourself with successful people in a prosperous environment, you’re already miles ahead to living out your wildest dreams. The wealthy move strategically, targeting economic growth and leasing apartments in hot markets. I want you to be among them.
After 35+ years of real estate investing, my portfolio features the finest properties hand-picked for extraordinary residents. My teams will take care of you with first-class service and prompt assistance, promising and delivering excellence.
Now, the choice is yours. Will you commit to the 10X lifestyle that will lead you to greatness?